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My Publications

The list below shows some of my publications in English over the past 30 years

Selected publications and papers:



  1. Holmager, T.L.F., Thygesen, L., Buur, L.T. et al. Emergence of a mortality disparity between a marginal rural area and the rest of Denmark, 1968-2017. BMC Public Health 21, 90 (2021).

  2. The Use of Administrative Sources for Censuses – Merits and Challenges. Statistical Journal of the IAOS vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 381-389, 2015

  3. How to fulfil user needs – from industrial production of statistics to production of knowledge (Co-author Mogens Grosen Nielsen). Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Vol. 29, Number 4, 2013

  4. OECD eXplorer: Making regional statistics come alive through a geo-visual web-tool (co-authors Monica Brezzi and Mikael Jern). Statistika, Economy and Statistics Journal, vol 48 (2) 2011 p 92-106, Prague, Czech Republic 2011

  5. Finding the Essence in Geographic Statistics – Promoting Informed Decision Making. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2010, Vol. 5, 347-364

  6. The importance of the archive statistical idea for the development of social statistics and population and housing censuses in Denmark. Nordic Statistical conference, Copenhagen 2010

  7. Innovative approaches to turning statistics into knowledge (co-author Bo Sundgren). Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics. Amsterdam 2009

  8. A Web-enabled Geovisual Analytics tool applied to OECD Regional Data (Co-authors Mikael Jern, Monica Brezzi). Eurographics Digital Library, Munich 2009

  9. Dynamic graphics: Turning key indicators into knowledge (co-authors E. Giovannini and R. Penlington). ISI, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 56th Session Lisbon, Portugal 2007.

  10. The Future Dissemination of OECD Statistics: A Policy Proposal (co-author Lee Samuelson). OECD, Paris 2006

  11. Enhancing quality of statistics by developing and implementing robust standards for data and metadata exchange and contents (co-author E. Giovannini). The International Conference on Quality in Official Statistics Q2006, Cardiff, Wales 2006

  12. Towards an SDMX User Guide: Exchange of Statistical Data andMetadata between Different Systems, National and International (co-authors Bo Sundgren, Christos Androvitsaneas) OECD 2006

  13. Towards an integrated approach on data collection (co-author E. Giovannini). ISI, Sydney, Australia 2005

  14. Self evaluation form as a tool for continuous quality improvement work at OECD. The International Conference on Quality in Official Statistics Q2004, Mainz, Germany 2004

  15. Quality Management in Statistics Denmark – a Pragmatic Approach. The International Conference on Quality in Official Statistics Stockholm, May 14-15, 2001

  16. Serving diverse users needs (co-authors G. Guteland & Hallgrimur Snorrason). IAOS, Aguascalientes, Mexico September 1998

  17. Dissemination policy and relations with the users of statistics. Discussion. Proceedings of the seminar for the heads of the statistical services of the countries of the CIS, St. Petersburg 1996. Eurostat, Luxembourg 1997.

  18. How can Community surveys on households be structured and combined effectively? In The future of European social statistics: Guidelines and strategies. Eurostat, Luxembourg 1995.

  19. The influence of the technological development on data collection methods in surveys.  How is the protection of personal data affected. International Seminar on Statistical Confidentiality 28 to 30 November 1994, Proceedings. Eurostat, Luxembourg 1995

  20. The Register-based system of demographic and social statistics in Denmark - an overview. Statistical Journal of the UN ECE, vol. 12, no. 1, 1995. Geneva

  21. The need for statistical computing. Proceedings of the Seminar for the Heads of the Statistical Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Eurostat, Luxembourg 1995

  22. Marketing Official Statistics Without Selling Its Soul. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. LV, Book 2. Firenze 1993.

  23. Technological Aspects of Confidentiality: New Technology - Threat or Greater Protection? International Seminar on Statistical Confidentiality, Dublin 1992. Eurostat Luxembourg 1993

  24. Das dänische System der Bevölkerungsregister. In "5. Wiesbadener Gespräch", Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 1992.

  25. Lynge, E, Thygesen, L. Primary liver cancer among women in laundry and dry-cleaning work in Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health 1990;16:108-12

  26. Occupational Cancer in Denmark (Co-author Elsebeth Lynge). Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. Vol. 16, suppl. 2. Helsinki 1990.

  27. Prospects for Socio-Demographic Risk Research in Denmark. Statistical Journal of the UN ECE, vol. 6, No 1. Geneva 1989.

  28. Which Questions Should Be Answered by Socio-Demographic Risk Research in the Future? Nordic Seminar on Empirical Life History Analysis and Panel Studies. Nordic Statistical Secretariat, Technical Reports 46. Copenhagen 1988.

  29. The Danish Law Model - Estimating the Consequences of Planned Legislation. United Nations, Statistical Commission and Economic Commission for Europe. Geneva 1986.

  30. Linkage of Records on Objects of Different Kinds. Methodological Problems and Practical Experience (co-author: Poul Jensen). Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. LI, Book 2. Amsterdam 1985.

  31. Data Protection in a National Register-Based Statistical System. Seminar on Protection of Privacy, Automatic Data Processing and Progress in Statistical Documentation. SOEC, Luxembourg. Eurostat news — Special number 1986 (also in French).

  32. A National Register-Based Statistical System and Its Implications for Local Governments. International Association for Regional and Urban Statistics, 14th Meeting, vol. 1. Copenhagen 1984.

  33. Methodological Problems Connected with a Socio-Demographic Statistical System Based on Administrative Records. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Volume L Book 1, Madrid 1983.

  34. The Person-Number Systems of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Israel (co-author). US Department of Health and Human Services, National Centre for Health Statistics, Hyattsville 1980.

  35. Personal Identification Numbers and Population Statistics in Denmark. Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen 1978.








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